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Sabtu, 09 Januari 2010

Mansyihat Naser, Kota Sampah di Mesir

Kota Manshiyat Naser di Mesir terkenal sebagai 'Garbage City' atau 'Kota Sampah'

Foto-foto ini memperlihatkan bagaimana setiap sudut di kota ini begitu banyak sampah berserakan

Spoiler for gambarnya:

Spoiler for gambarnya:

Spoiler for gambarnya:

Spoiler for gambarnya:

Spoiler for gambarnya:

Spoiler for gambarnya:

Spoiler for gambarnya:

Spoiler for gambarnya:

Spoiler for gambarnya:

Spoiler for gambarnya:

Spoiler for gambarnya:

Spoiler for gambarnya:

Spoiler for gambarnya:

Spoiler for gambarnya:

Spoiler for gambarnya:

Spoiler for gambarnya:

Spoiler for gambarnya:

Spoiler for gambarnya:

Spoiler for gambarnya:

Spoiler for gambarnya:

Spoiler for gambarnya:

Spoiler for gambarnya:

Siapa sangka Garbage City bukanlah kota tanpa penduduk alias 'Kota Mati'
Di Garbage City dipadati penduduk dengan profesi sebagai pemulung yang memilah-milah sampah yang berserakan di kota tersebut
Apabila melihat keadaan negara kita, Jakarta atau Bandung juga bisa saja menjadi Garbage City apabila tidak adanya keseriusan pemerintah dalam mencari solusi untuk menanggulangi sampah tersebut
Dan keadaan akan lebih buruk jika masyarakat kita sendiri tidak peduli dengan dampak buruk sampah
Coba kita lihat di tempat wisata katakanlah air terjun, sekarang di pinggiran air terjun sudah mulai berserakan sampah plastik bekas minum dan makanan ringan
Dan coba tebak lagi siapa yang membuang sampah tersebut sembarangan, yang pasti bukan bule atau turis-turis asing karena mereka terbiasa untuk membuang sampah pada tempatnya
Kecintaan dan nasionalisme pasti bisa menjadi solusi terbaik untuk menanggulangi bukan hanya persoalan sampah, tetapi juga korupsi dan lain-lain.

Spoiler for dari tante wiki:
Manshiyat naser (also known as Garbage City) is a slum settlement on the outskirts of the city of Cairo whose economy revolves around the collection and recycling of the city's garbage. Although the area has streets, shops, and apartments like any other area of the city, it lacks infrastructure and often has no running water, sewage or electricity.

The city's garbage is brought to Manshiyat Naser by the Zabbaleen, or garbage collectors, who then sort through the garbage to attempt to retrieve any potentially useful or recyclable items. As a passerby walks or drives down the road he will see large rooms stacked with garbage with men, women or children crouching and sorting the garbage into usable or sellable. Families typically specialize in a particular type of garbage they sort and sell - one room of children sorting out plastic bottles, while the next of women separating cans from the rest. Anything that can be reused or recycled is saved by one of the numerous families in Manshiyat naser. Various recycled paper and glass products are made and sold from the city, while metal is sold by the kilo to be melted down and reused. Carts pulled by horse or donkey are often stacked 8 to 10 feet (3.0 m) high with the recyclable goods.

The economic system in garbage City is classified as the informal sector. Most families typically have worked in the same area and type of specialization in the garbage piles and continue to make enough money to support themselves.

Coptic Christians were originally the predominant inhabitants of Manshiyat Naser, though in recent decades the area's Muslim population has grown. The Christians are well known for herding swine within the city, which are fed edible pieces of garbage and marketed across Cairo to Coptic Christian establishments. However in the spring of 2009 the Egyptian government, in response to the worldwide threat of swine flu, embarked on a massive program to cull the herds of swine in Manshiyet Naser.

The Cave Cathedral or St Sama'ans Church, used by the Coptic Christians in Garbage City, is the largest church in the Middle East with seating for 20,000 people. By : bambangbepe

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